What is StarFixer?

StarFixer is a Deep Artificial Neural Network, trained to detect and fix elongated stars in astronomical pictures.

Is it really working?

Right now with moderated star distortion it works quite well. There are cases in which it is not able to fix the stars. Those will be investigated. Extreme ones (line-like startrails or heavy distortions) will not be considered because it is outside of the scope of the project.

Is it working full-res?

After uploading the image, you get a nice 256x256 preview of a random crop and a new rebuild process is started in the background. After 30min to 1 hour (if the system is not overloaded), you will get the image with a watermark on it. Now I have GPUs that are more powerful than before, so I can rebuild an image up to 3000x3000 pixels, preserving its aspect ratio.

How long did it take to get to this stage of the development?

I investigated many possible solutions and considering both the network training sessions and my personal study and work, I think I'm over the 450 hours mark.

How can I cantribute?

The best thing is to give me a positive or negative feedback so I can improve the AI and the website. Just please keep in mind that this is an early version of the AI and website (we can say alpha or pre-alpha), it's faaaaar from being perfect so I hope you like the idea, the way it's being created, rather than the present effectiveness. If you want to buy me a coffee to help me staying awake during the countless coding nights, drop me an email, it will be more than appreciated!